News & Updates
Latest updates from TeachSign and NZSLTA.
NZSLTA Conference 2020
19 December 2019New Zealand Sign Language Teachers Association will have their conference in Dunedin on 14th, 15th and 16th August, 2020.
Level two project hits a milestone
14 December 2019NZSL level two project is now half-way and on track.
More new level 1 materials
13 December 2019Level one teaching materials have been updated, along with new cool posters.
New grammar, dialogue videos
05 November 2019These new resources support NZSL level one teaching and learning.
New Māori resources
12 September 2019NZSL level one (units 1-3) have been adapted for teaching NZSL in Māori settings.
First online tutor training
24 May 2019Merge NZ organised a webinar for NZSL tutors, which was a success.
New Deaf Studies graduates
23 May 2019Twenty-three students graduated with "Certificate in Deaf Studies: Teaching NZSL".
Latest Tutor Trainings
21 May 2019Full day workshops have been delivered in three locations.
What's new at TeachSign
14 March 2019What an accomplishment! TeachSign website undergoes some exciting changes.
Level Two Project Update
28 February 2019NZSL Level Two curriculum is being trialled in five classes: Auckland, Cambridge, Nelson, and Dunedin.
First Central NZSL Camp
25 February 2019The first ever Central NZSL camp has been a success.
Upcoming Tutor Training
14 February 2019Merge is hosting a tutor training in New Plymouth on 30th March. Don't miss out.