History of NZSLTA
- July 18 - 30: 17th NZSLTA Conference, SGM, Palmerston North Conference and Function Centre, Palmerston North
- NZSLTA Executive: James Anderson-Pole (President), Candice David (Vice-President), Mike Alley, Kirsten Morgan, Terryn Agnew, Wendy E Orellana.
- NZSLTA Executive: James Anderson-Pole (President), Candice David (Vice-President), Mike Alley, Kirsten Morgan, Terryn Agnew, Wendy E Orellana.
- Executive Administrator: Theresa Cooper
- NZSLTA Executive: James Anderson-Pole (President), Candice David (Vice-President), Amber Tiopira-Waaka, Becky West, Jaime Brown, Mike Alley, Kirsten Morgan.
- Executive Administrator: Theresa Cooper
- August 14 - 16: 16th NZSLTA Conference, BGM, Dunedin. Keynote Speaker: Emma Iliffe, London
- NZSLTA Executive: James Anderson-Pole (President), Candice David (Vice-President), Amber Tiopira-Waaka, Becky West, Jaime Brown, Mike Alley, Peter Barker, Ruth Whyte.
- Executive Administrator: Theresa Cooper
- February: 1st Central NZSL Camp, Brookfield Outdoor Education Centre, Wainuiomata
- March: TeachSign website restructure project is completed – content updated, new NZSL Tutors Directory, class advertisings, electronic membership system. Three databases are merged (NZSLTA, TeachSign, RAP)
- NZSLTA Executive: Victoria Green (President), James Anderson-Pole (Vice-President), Susie Ovens, Candice David, Ruth Sullivan-Whyte
- Executive Administrator: Theresa Cooper
- March: TeachSign NZSL Tutors Online Survey
- April: Meeting regarding new learning outcomes and new topics for the NZSL Level Two Learning Outcomes Framework
- April - June: NZSLTA contracted Merge to run tutor trainings in Christchurch and Hamilton, and also to create TeachSign Level One training kits for all NZSL tutors branches
- June: Uploaded 2,400 drawings illustrated by Shaun Fahey to the TeachSign website
- September 14 - 16: Southern NZSL Camp, Woodend Christian Camp
- October 26 - 28: NZSLTA Hui, Whangaparaoa Peninsula, Auckland
- NZSLTA Executive: Karla Smith (resigned 2018), Victoria Green (President), James Anderson-Pole (Vice-President), Susie Ovens, Candice David, Ruth Sullivan-Whyte
- Communications Co-ordinator: Theresa Cooper
- NZSLTA celebrated its 25th year anniversary
- March: TeachSign resource: video translation of English phrases to NZSL for the benefit of NZSL tutors
- August: TeachSign Units 1 and 2 updated
- November 24 - 26: Signs of Professionalism conference in Auckland (combined conference between NZSLTA,SLIANZ and AUT for their 25th year celebration and VUW for their 20th year celebration). NZSLTA Keynote Presenter: Ben Lewis
November 25: Overall Storytelling winner: Shaun Fahey - NZSLTA Executive: Karla Smith (President), Shelia Gibbons, Sue Lessing (resigned 2017), Monica Leach (resigned 2016), Natasha Cloete (resigned 2016)
- April 6: 10th years of celebration of NZSL Act, since the passing of the Bill in 2006
- April 19: Level One Units 4 - 9 teaching materials via TeachSign website now available to NZSL provisional and qualified tutors
- November 4 - 5: 14th NZSLTA Conference, BGM, Auckland
Keynote Presenter: Daniel Gough (USA) - TeachSign Units 1 - 9: 11 tutor training weekends delivered to 124 participants nationwide
- NZSLTA Executive: Eddie Hokianga (removed 2015); Pixie Neame (resigned 2015), Julie Nielson, Angela Lindsay, Rachel Turner (resigned 2016), Pam Croskery (co-opted); Shona McGhie (co-opted)
- January: Completion of TeachSign Level 1 Units 6 - 9
- May: TeachSign won the NZSL Champion Award during the annual NZSL Week
- June: Establishment of NZSL Board for funding of New Zealand Sign Language-related projects
- NZSLTA National Administrator: Sue Nicholson (July 2015 - April 2017)
- NZSLTA Financial Administrator: Lynette Southey-Ray (July 2015 - Oct 2018)
- NZSLTA Executive: Tim Lewin (President, resigned April 2015), Eddie Hokianga, Pixie Neame, Julie Nielson, Angela Lindsay), Pam Croskery (co-opted), Shona McGhie (co-opted)
- March 29 - 30: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Christchurch
- April 5: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Auckland
- July 11 - 13: 13th NZSLTA Conference, BGM, StoryFest, Auckland
Keynote Presenter: Nicholas Padden (UK)
Storytelling Competition winner: Sonia Pivac - July 12: Launch of the TeachSign website: TeachSign Level One Units 1 - 3 for NZSLTA members (including online PowerPoints, activity sheets, sample lesson plans for class teaching materials)
- August 23 - 24: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Palmerston North
- October: Development of Deaf Deaf World materials
- October 31 - November 1: NZSLTA Tutors Training
- NZSLTA Executive: Tim Lewin (President), James Pole (co-opted), Eddie Hokianga, Pixie Neame, Julie Nielson, Angela Lindsay
- New three NZSLTA logos for each branch: Southern, Central, Northern
- June 21 - 23: 11th North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Turangi (the last one)
- NZSLTA Executive: Pam Croskery (President), James Pole, Tim Lewin, Eddie Hokianga, Shona McGhie (co-opted)
- July 6 - 8: 12th NZSLTA Conference, BGM, StoryFest, Christchurch
Keynote Presenter: Ben Lewis (USA)
Storytelling Competition winner: Toby Agnew - October 12 - 14: 10th South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Woodend
- NZSLTA National Administrator: Rose Kerr (April 2012 - July 2015)
- NZSLTA Executive: Pam Croskery (President), James Pole (co-opted), Tim Lewin, Eddie Hokianga, Shona McGhie (co-opted); Karla Smith (resigned December 2012)
- May 5: Celebrate the release of NZ National Anthem in NZSL, Wellington
- June 17 - 19: 10th North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Turangi
- June 24: Launch of NZSL Online Dictionary, Victoria University, Wellington
- National Administrator: Victoria Walters (April 2011 - March 2012)
- NZSLTA Executive: Shona McGhie (President), Pam Croskery, Jackie Davidson, Karla Smith, Rachel Summers (resigned), Tim Lewin (resigned)
- March 26 - 28: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Auckland
- April 16 - 18: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Christchurch
- October: NZSLTA Review of NZSLTA Silent Camps for North and South Islands
- November 26 - 28: 11th NZSLTA National Conference, BGM, StoryFest, Wellington
Storytelling Competition winner: Chris Blum - New NZSLTA-owned website launched
- National Administrator: James Pole (May - December)
- NZSLTA Executive: Shona McGhie (President), Jackie Davidson, Pam Croskery, Karla Smith, Tim Lewin, Rachel Summers, Shona Beamsley, Judy Everit, Jacqui Iseli (resigned), Carol Smith (resigned)
- April 3 - 5: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Auckland
- June 19 - 21: 9th North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Turangi
- June 19 - 21: 9th South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Kaiapoi
- NZSLTA National Administrator: Sarah Mason (Sept 2009 - Jan 2010)
- NZSLTA Executive: Shona McGhie (President), Carol Smith, Jacqui Iseli, Judy Everitt, Pam Croskery
- February 22 - 24: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Auckland
- April 4 - 6: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Auckland
- May 9: Launch of NZSL Teacher/Tutors Registration Qualification Model
- July 11 - 13: 10th NZSLTA Conference BGM, StoryFest, Auckland
Storytelling Competition winner: Sonia Pivac - August 29 - 31: 8th South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Kaiapoi
- NZSLTA Executive: Shona McGhie (President), Carol Smith, Jacqui Iseli, Judy Everitt, Pam Croskery, Jackie Davidson, Shona Beamsley
- March 2 - 4 to April 27 - 29: NZSLTA Tutors Training: Auckland, Napier, Palmerston North, Christchurch, Whangarei
- April 1: Implementation of Registration Advisory Panel for tutor registrations
- June 17 - 19: 8th North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Turangi
- NZSLTA National Administrator: Lucy Dunbar (H), Carmen Otahuha (H) (Nov 2007 - April 2009)
- NZSLTA Executive: Shona McGhie (President), Lynette Pivac, James Pole, Carol Smith
- Launch of NZSL Units 7-12 Workbook
- March 16: Launch of the NZSLTA website, Auckland Deaf Society, Auckland.
- April 6: NZSLTA celebrated the passing of NZSL Act in the Parliament and witnessed the signing of the Act at the Government House
- July 6 - 8: 9th NZSLTA National Conference, BGM, StoryFest, Auckland
Storytelling Competition winner: Shaun Fahey - July 7: Approval of the new title: New Zealand Sign Language Teachers Association
- August 4 - 6 to December 1 - 3: NZSLTA Tutors Training: Whangarei, Christchurch, Napier, Rotorua, Palmerston North, Dunedin, Nelson
- September 9 - 10: 7th South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Mosgiel
- National Administrator: Melissa Malzkuhn, Natasha Jumlet, Lucy Dunbar (H)
- NZSLTA Executive: Shona McGhie (President), Lynette Pivac, James Pole, Carol Smith, Karen Pointon (resigned)
- May 13 - 15: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Christchurch
- June 15 - 17: 7th North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Turangi
- July 1 - 3: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Palmerston North
- July 22 - 24: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Auckland
- August: NZSLTA Registration Advisory Panel set up
- August 12 - 14: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Wellington
- September 2 - 4: 6th South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Oxford
- November 21 - 23: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Christchurch
- National Administrator: Melissa Malzkuhn
- NZSLTA Executive Committee: Shona McGhie (President), Lynette Pivac, Dennis Tod, Jackie Davidson, Marjorie Rako (resigned)
- Launch of NZSL Level One Units 7 - 12 DVD
- February 20 - 22: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Palmerston North
- March 5 - 7: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Christchurch
- July 14 - 16: 8th NZSLTA National Conference, BGM, Storytelling competition, Auckland
Keynote Presenters: Adam Schembri, Darlene Thornton (Australia)
Storytelling Competition winner: Hilda Tamepo "Making Scones" - October 1 - 3: 5th South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Fairlie
- NZSLTA Executive: Shona McGhie (President), Lynette Pivac, Dennis Tod, Jackie Davidson, Marjorie Rako, Nirvana Harkin
- Development of Level 1 Units 7 - 12 DVD
- March 21 - 23: 3rd South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Oamaru
- May 9 - 11: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Christchurch
- June 20 - 22: 6th North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Turangi
- Sept 5 - 7: 4th South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Staveley Park
- Nov 21 - 23: NZSLTA Tutors Training, Christchurch
- NZSLTA Executive: Lynette Pivac (President), Dennis Tod, Shona McGhie, Nirvana Harkin, Lynne Smith
- NZSLTA National Administrator: Sue Nicholson (2003 - 2004)
- Celebration of 10 years of NZSLTA
- April 19 - 21: 2nd South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Kaiapoi
- July 18 - 20: 7th NZSLTA National Conference (AUT, SLIANZ, NZSLTA combined), BGM, Storytelling competition: The Progress Conference, AUT, Auckland
Keynote Presenter: Dan Levitt
Storytelling Competition winner: Victoria Lessing (nee Skorikova) "Goldfish" - September: Launch of NZSLTA Survey Report by Sara Pivac
- NZSLTA Executive: Lynette Pivac (President), Dennis Tod, Susan Thomas, Ruth Jessep, Joanna Klaver, Nirvana Graham, Shona McGhie, Lynne Smith
- First NZSLTA National Administrator: Sara Pivac employed part-time (May 2002 - 2003)
- January 26 - 28: 6th NZSLTA National Conference, AGM, Storytelling competition, Auckland
Keynote Presenter: Mel Carter (USA) - September 28 - 30: 5th North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Turangi
- October 12 - 14: 1st South Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Governor Bay
- NZSLTA Executive: Penny Went, David McKee, Dennis Tod, Susan Thomas, Lynette Pivac, Ngaire Doherty, Ruth Jessep, Joanne Klaver
- New NZSL teaching resource developed: Level One Units 1 - 6 Videotext and Workbook
- February 5 - 7: NZSLTA Professional Development Workshop, AGM, Wellington
Storytelling Competition winner: Lynette Pivac "Internet Romance" - May 5 - 7: 4th North Island NZSLTA Camp, Snell Beach
- NZSLTA Executive: Penny Went, David McKee, Lynette Pivac, Susan Thomas, Ruth Jessep, Dennis Tod, Janet Watt (resigned)
- Janruary 22 - 24: NZSLTA 5th NZSLTA National Conference, BGM, Storytelling Competition, Wellington
Keynote Presenters: Anne Bremner and Melissa Anderson (Australia)
Storytelling Competition winner: Shona McGhie "British Museum" - August 14 - 15: Professional Development Workshop, Auckland
Keynote Presenters: Frances Elton & June Smith (UK) - October 15 - 17: 2nd Central Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Otaki
- October 29 - 31: 3rd North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Cambridge
- NZSLTA Executive: Penny Went (President), Susan Thomas, Lynette Pivac, Ruth Jessep, Dennis Tod
- NZSLTA Voluntary secretary: Maureen Seth (May 1997 - 1999)
- First historic group of NZSL tutors graduated with Certificate in Deaf Studies: Teaching NZSL from Victoria University of Wellington
- November 6 - 8: 2nd North Island NZSLTA Camp, Henderson
- December 4 - 6: 1st Central NZSLTA Silent Camp, Waikanae
- NZSLTA Executive: Penny Went (President), Lynette Pivac, Janet Watt, Maureen Tompson, Ruth Jessep, Barbara Herrick, David McKee, Patty Still
- NZSLTA Voluntary secretary: Maureen Seth (May 1997 - 1999)
- March 21 - 23: 1st North Island NZSLTA Silent Camp, Hunua
- June 27 - 29: 4th NZSLTA National Conference (NZSLTA& SLIANZcombined), BGM, NZSL Storytelling Competition, Christchurch
Keynote Presenter: Robert Adams
Storytelling Competition winner: Dennis Tod - NZSLTA Executive: Penny Went (President), Janet Watt, Maureen Thompson, Ruth Jessep, Barbara Herrick, David McKee, Patty Still
- NZSLTA Voluntary secretary: Maureen Seth (May 1997 - 1999)
- The establishment of the Certificate in Deaf Studies: Teaching NZSL at Victoria University of Wellington
- June 27 - 29: NZSLTA Professional Development Workshop, Auckland
Keynote Presenters: Frances Elton & June Smith (UK) - August 9 - 11: Fourth NZSL Tutors Training, Auckland with David McKee under DANZ contract
- August 16 - 18: Fourth NZSL Tutors Training, Christchurch with David McKee under DANZ contract
- NZSLTA Executive: Mary Speirs (President), Penny Went, Susan Wilson, Maureen Tompson, Anne Holt, Portia Hanson, David McKee
- Janruary 27 - 29: 3rd NZSLTA National Conference, BGM, NZSL Storytelling Competition, Wellington
NZSL Storytelling Competition winner: Steven Townshend "Where is my identity?" - NZSLTA Executive: Penny Went, Terry Walbran, Maureen Thompson, Mary Speirs, Anne Holt, Portia Hanson
- Janruary 28 - 30: 2nd NZSLTA National Conference, AGM, Storytelling Competition, Wellington
NZSL Storytelling Competition winner: Shaun Fahey "Motorboat" - October - December: Two local NZSL Tutors Training sessions with David McKee, NZSL Tutor Trainer, under two-year contract with DANZ
- NZSLTA Executive: Paul Buzzard (Chairperson), Penny Went, Susan Thomas, Steven Townshend, Terry Walbran, Lynne Smith, Rebecca Williams
- February 12 - 14: First NZSLTA National Conference, AGM, Auckland with trainers David & Rachel McKee
- July 1: NZSLTA (New Zealand Sign Language Tutor Association) incorporated
- October - December: Local NZSL Tutors Trainings two times with David McKee, NZSL Tutor Trainer, under two - year DANZ contract
- NZSLTA Executive: Paul Buzzard (Chairperson), Penny Went, Chris Blum, Susan Thomas, Angela Sew Hoy, Sue Nicholson, Peter Berry, Rachel Bishop
- February 15 - 16: NZSL Tutors Workshop, Auckland
- February 15: NZSLTA Steering Committee formed
- NZSLTA Interim Executive Committee: Penny Went, Ngaire Doherty, Paul Buzzard, Shirley Withers, Sue Wilson
Last updated: 03 January 2025