Units 1 and 2 updated
01 August 2017
PowerPoint files, lesson plans, tutor guides and visual aids have been improved to make it easier for tutors to teach. These improvements are based on:
1) Feedback from tutors during NZSLTA tutor weekend trainings in 2015-2016.
2) Feedback by emails / glide messages to TeachSign.
3) TeachSign Units 1-2 review project. A small group of tutors met in Auckland last January to go through and discuss units 1 and 2.
Thank you to everyone who've contributed their feedback during tutor training weekends, contacted TeachSign and also many thanks to this small group of tutors for taking the time to go through and discuss units 1 and 2: Victoria Lessing, Susie Ovens, Lynette Pivac and Josje Lelijveld.
This video gives further explanation about changes made to units 1 and 2: https://youtu.be/2LiaNN2_xwI
TeachSign welcomes any feedback on any TeachSign resources so keep them coming in.
Contact: Sara Pivac Alexander at info@teachsign.org.nz