NZSL Level 2 Tutor Trainings
06 July 2021
NZSLTA was successful to receive a large grant to deliver online sessions and face to face tutor workshops for 2021. The aim of these trainings are to introduce NZSL Level Two (units 10 – 17) to NZSLTA registered members, especially those with experience in teaching NZSL Level 1.
Shannon Morris has been contracted as a Professional Development Coordinator to organise a total of 24 workshops this year for all tutors to attend to develop their knowledge around the new teaching contents and curriculum. Shannon has been working alongside Sara Pivac Alexander, the Lead Trainer, to coordinate with 8 experienced trainers to deliver the workshops.
Nine physical (face to face) weekend workshops have been planned for Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch to focus on the practical side of teaching eg: delivery of content, teaching steps, and using materials effectively. To date, three weekend workshops have been delivered and six will be delivered in the second half of 2021. Fifteen online sessions focusing on NZSL Level Two grammar and linguistics have been planned too, with four delivered via Zoom to date.

NZSL Level 2 Unit 10-12 in Auckland

NZSL Level 2 Unit 10-12 in Wellington

NZSL Level 2 Unit 10-12 in Christchurch
Positive feedback has been received from a number of participants attending the weekend workshops:
“Very impressed with trainers and the workshop for Level 2 went very well for two days.”
“Fantastic workshop, so much fun! Supportive group with laughs.”
“Well organised, sharing info in NZSL and giving feedback to tutors.”
“Everything. It was fun and enjoyable and I learnt a lot.”
“Did everything well. Couldn't ask for better trainers.”
NZSLTA acknowledges the financial support of Adult Community Education Aotearoa to make these trainings possible. These trainings are valuable because there are not many opportunities for tutors to develop and prepare for their Level 2 teaching. NZSLTA also acknowledges the NZSL Board for their financial support to contract Shannon as a Professional Development Coordinator to make these workshops a reality for many.
It is still not too late to register for these workshops. For more information, go to Professional Development Registration.