New video resource
25 March 2017
Many tutors wanted NZSL videos to translate some English phrases shown in TeachSign Units 1-9 PowerPoint files and expressive phrases in homework sheets.
In January 2017, a few NZSL tutors got together to film 374 selected phrases during 2 days. A list of all English phrases with links to NZSL videos have been created and added to TeachSign. Tutors can watch these videos before class to help them translate the phrases better. Tutors can even share these phrases with their students to review for homework. If you are not satisfied with a video or want to use a different sign variant in a certain phrase, you can always make a new video and upload this to your YouTube account. Then add this new link to the video sheet.
You can find this video sheet by logging in TeachSign. Click on resources then click on level one. Scroll down to the bottom and see 'Units 1-9 English Phrase Videos' doc file under "Useful Documents".
Contributors: Sara Pivac Alexander, Susie Ovens, Victoria Lessing, Lynette Pivac, Josje Lelyiveld, Sarah Mason.