Getting Support

Need advice? Want feedback on your teaching? See below for different ways to get support.

NZSL Teachers Hub

There is a closed Facebook group for NZSLTA members called "NZSL Teachers Hub". Make a request to join and NZSLTA will add you after checking your membership status. This is for members only.

Local NZSL teachers

You can ask local NZSL teachers for information, advice and support. Find someone you are comfortable with. You could meet in person or have a video chat.

There are local branches for Northern, Central and Southern regions. They may have local meetings for face-to-face get togethers in big cities and all have closed Facebook groups to discuss things online. Visit Local Branches page for links.

Events for NZSL teachers

NZSLTA provides biennial conferences and local workshops. These events are a great opportunity for you to meet NZSL teachers from all over New Zealand and build a network of support. You can also ask questions and get advice face-to-face.

Sharing Experiences

These NZSL teachers will tell you how they got support.

Last updated: 10/3/2019