Unit 13: New Hobby Multiple choice quiz 1. He wants to Select have a go at playing scrabble try out some jig-saw puzzles try out chess learn how to play draughts 2. Is she keen too? Select She is not keen on that game, and she prefers to play cards She is keen to learn about the game with him She isn't interested, as she does not like board games She doesn't want to, because he always wins games 3. What was his response? Select He's happy she can play with him He doesn't know the game so she may win She may change her mind if she knows the game He'll play cards with her as long she plays chess with him 4. Who will teach him the game? Select His Deaf brother can teach them how to play the game Her brother is good at the game, and he can sign She knows a hearing friend who can sign a little, and is good at the game She knows a friend who is competitive like him, and would be a perfect match for him 5. How will he thank the person for teaching him the game? He will Select pay cash for their time pay a lump sum online draw a free portrait for that person teach him a new skill too 6. What else is he good at? Select Graphic arts Drawing Calligraphy Photography Submit Answers Print this page Last updated: 2/2/2021